Our Work

Why We Do It

We believe in the power of community, collaboration and networking to strengthen the dignity and self-sufficiency of immigrants and refugees living in the Greater Dayton area.

Many of these families or individuals arrive in Ohio with little to no material possessions. They are faced with a language barrier, health concerns, trauma from past experiences, and culture shock. However, they also arrive with hope, wide cultural and linguistic skills, deep perseverance, and appreciation for their new home.

At Cross Over Community Development, we see the positives of these immigrant and refugee individuals. Our work focuses on eliminating the barriers that immigrants and refugees face so they can live to their full potential and contribute positively back to the community.

Our Services

At Cross Over Community Development, we provide direct hands-on support, facilitate connections, and develop resources to support immigrants, refugees, and their communities. Our services include: 


Community Outreach Projects

Connections to Healthcare, Housing, and Legal Services

Cultural Orientations

English Language Immersion Programs

Training, Job Development, and Employment Assistance

Current Programs

Past Programs